IAGOD receives 25 annual APC waivers for Ore Geology Reviews. The waivers are available for paying IAGOD individual members (and honorary life members) and are evaluated on a case by case basis by the IAGOD Executive Committee. The first (or corresponding) author should be member of IAGOD for at least 3 years. Priority will be given to members from countries eligible for the Research4Life program. Eligible authors can expect to receive maximum one APC waiver per year.
To apply for an APC waiver, please submit an application containing the following information:
1. A justification for why the APC charge cannot be paid for this paper.
2. A copy of the submitted manuscript.
3. Documentation for current IAGOD membership
APC waivers will be issued upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication and expire at the end of the calendar year. They are not transferable. Please return unused waivers if your paper is rejected for publication or withdrawn.
Papers published with APC waivers must include the following (or equivalent) acknowledgment: The authors acknowledge support from the International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits (IAGOD).